What is the Worst Time to Visit Costa Rica

worst time to visit costa rica

The Worst time to visit Costa Rica starts from June till November. Costa Rica, often referred to as the “Rich Coast,” is an incredible gem in Central America that enjoys a diverse landscape of rainforests, beaches, and volcanic mountains.

In this article, we’ll delve into the topic of the worst times to visit Costa Rica and how you can navigate the challenges to make the most of your trip.

Worst time to visit Costa Rica

The worst time to visit Costa Rica suggests that you should not travel to the ideal place from June to November which may cause several of the problems you have to face while at your destination, i.e. hurricanes, high humidity time, and heavy rainfall etc.

Rainy Season

worst time to visit costa rica in rainy season

One of the primary factors that can influence your Costa Rica experience is the weather. The country has a distinct wet and dry season, with the rainy season spanning from May to November that is the Worst time to visit Costa Rica.

During these months, heavy rainfall can lead to road closures, difficult hiking conditions, and increased chances of encountering muddy trails. This can significantly impact outdoor activities and limit your ability to explore the country’s lush landscapes.

In general, mosquito activity tends to be higher during the rainy season, However, in some areas, mosquitoes can be active year-round, especially in lowland rainforests and near bodies of water.

To avoid mosquito bites and potential mosquito-borne illnesses, it’s a good idea to use insect repellent, wear long sleeves and pants, and stay in accommodations with screens or nets if you visit Costa Rica during mosquito season.

The Rainy Season Timeline

Costa Rica’s rainy season typically spans from May to November, peaking in September and October. The related aspects and their details discussed here

Rainy SeasonMay to November
Peak RainfallSeptember and October
Drizzling LevelsHigh levels of rainfall
BiodiversityDeveloping Flora and Fauna
Tourist crowdedReduced as compared to dry season
Accommodation Lower prices for hotels and tours if available
PreparationsPack lightweight rain gear, waterproof boots and clothing
Unique experienceIntimate connection with nature’s renewal.

Hurricane Season

worst time to visit costa rica in hurricane season

An important aspect to consider when planning your visit is the potential for hurricanes. The official hurricane season in Costa Rica extends from June to November which is the worst time to visit Costa Rica .

While the country isn’t often directly hit by hurricanes, the peripheral effects can include heavy rainfall, strong winds, and possible flooding is the worst time to visit Costa Rica. Keep in mind that these conditions can affect transportation, disrupt travel plans, and limit your access to certain areas.

It’s important to note that while Costa Rica does experience the effects of tropical storms and hurricanes, it is less frequently impacted compared to some other countries in the region.

The specific timing and severity of storms can vary from year to year, so it’s advisable for residents and travelers to stay informed about weather updates and follow the guidance of local authorities and meteorological agencies during the hurricane season.

Limited Wildlife Sightings

worst time to visit costa rica drawbacks

Costa Rica is renowned for its incredible biodiversity, making it a hotspot for eco-tourism and wildlife enthusiasts. However, visiting during the rainy and hurricane season might not provide the best opportunities and experiences the worst time to visit Costa Rica for wildlife sightings.

Animals tend to be less active during heavy rainfall, and the dense vegetation can make it challenging to spot them. If witnessing the vibrant wildlife is a top priority for your visit, you may want to avoid the rainy season.

Beach Discomfort

worst time to visit costa rica drawbacks

Costa Rica’s stunning beaches are undoubtedly a major draw for tourists. Yet, visiting during the hurricane season could lead to disappointment for beach lovers. Frequent rains and overcast skies can diminish the attraction of the country’s natural shores.

Swimming, sunbathing, and engaging in water sports might not be as enjoyable as they would be during the dry season.

High Humidity Levels

worst time to visit costa rica in high humidity time

Even outside of the rainy season, Costa Rica’s tropical climate means high humidity levels throughout the year. However, the combination of humidity and heavy rainfall during the wet season can make the air feel uncomfortably muggy.

This can impact your overall comfort and make outdoor activities less enjoyable.

Best Time To Visit Costa Rica

The best time to visit costa rica

The dry season from December to April tends to be the best time to visit Costa Rica. During this time, you can expect sunny weather and fewer rain showers. This is considered the best time for activities like hiking, wildlife viewing, and exploring the beaches.

Keep in mind that Costa Rica’s weather can vary significantly depending on the region you plan to visit. The Caribbean coast tends to have a different weather pattern than the Pacific coast, so it’s essential to research the specific area you want to explore. Additionally, Costa Rica’s highlands can be cooler, so pack accordingly.

Ultimately, the best time to visit Costa Rica depends on your interests and whether you prefer dry or rainy weather.

Biodiversity Flourishes

The rainy season is a time of renewal for Costa Rica’s ecosystems. The increased rainfall nurtures the vibrant flora and fauna, turning the rainforests into a living symphony of colors and sounds.

This is the ideal time for nature enthusiasts and wildlife photographers, as the wet environment encourages animals to emerge, making for incredible viewing opportunities.

Reduced Crowds and Lower Prices

One of the most significant advantages of visiting Costa Rica during the rainy season is the decreased influx of tourists. With fewer crowds, you’ll have a more intimate experience of the country’s natural wonders and cultural treasures.

Additionally, hotels and tours often offer lower prices, making it a budget-friendly option for travelers.

For those seeking adventure on the waves, the rainy season can be a surfer’s paradise. The bigger swells and consistent breaks during this time make it an ideal period for surfing. While you might need to contend with occasional rain showers, the thrilling waves and smaller crowds make it a rewarding experience for surf enthusiasts.

This will be the worst time to visit Costa Rica due to limited open areas and  for crowd loving people.                                                                                                           

Tropical Rainforest

The rainy season casts a mystical aura over Costa Rica’s rainforests. The cooperation of rain, mist, and sunlight creates a beautiful atmosphere that is nothing short of magical. Hiking through the rainforest during this time allows you to witness the graceful balance of life and the transformational power of water.

11 Tips For Visiting Costa Rica

travelling tips for visit costa rica
  1. While Spanish is the official language of Costa Rica, many Costa Ricans speak English, especially  in tourist areas. Learning a few basic Spanish phrases can be helpful.
  2. The currency is the Costa Rican Colón (CRC), but US dollars are widely accepted. It’s advisable to carry some Colónes for smaller purchases.
  3. Costa Rica is generally safe for tourists, but it’s essential to stay vigilant, especially in crowded areas. Use reputable transportation and lock up your valuables.
  4. The weather can vary significantly across the country. Research the climate of your specific destination and pack accordingly, including rain gear.
  5. Costa Rica is famous for its biodiversity. Respect wildlife, maintain a safe distance, and avoid feeding animals.
  6. Check if any vaccinations are required before traveling. Drink bottled water, and be cautious with street food.
  7. Public buses and private shuttles are common for getting around. Renting a car can be convenient but be prepared for challenging road conditions in some areas.
  8. Enjoy the country’s natural beauty by exploring national parks, rainforests, and beaches. Popular activities include hiking, surfing, zip-lining, and wildlife tours.
  9. Tipping is customary in Costa Rica, and a 10% service charge is often included in restaurant bills. Additional tips are appreciated for good service.
  10. Respect the environment by following eco-friendly practices. Use reusable water bottles and bags, and choose eco-friendly accommodations when possible
  11. To fully enjoy your rainy season adventure in Costa Rica, it’s essential to come prepared. Pack lightweight rain gear, waterproof hiking boots, and quick-drying clothing to stay comfortable during occasional downpours.


The worst time to visit Costa Rica largely depends on your preferences. Generally, the summer season from June to November can be the worst time to visit Costa Rica due to adverse weather, heavy rainfall, hurricanes, and  high humidity level.  which is challenging for outdoor activities and sightseeing, heavy rainfall and potential flooding. However, it’s also the time when the country is lush and green.

While the rainy season  might not align with traditional notions of the ideal vacation period, it offers its own set of rewards for the intrepid traveler. From flourishing biodiversity and reduced crowds to unique natural phenomena and budget-friendly options, embracing the enchantment of Costa Rica’s rainy season can lead to a truly unforgettable experience.

On the other hand, the dry season from December to April is popular for tourists, but it can be crowded and more expensive. Therefore, consider your priorities and plan accordingly.


When is the rainy season in Costa Rica?

The rainy season in Costa Rica typically runs from May to November, with September and October experiencing the highest rainfall.

Are there specific months with a higher risk of hurricanes?

September and October are peak months for hurricanes and tropical storms in the region, increasing the risk of heavy rains and potential disruptions.

Does the rainy season affect outdoor activities?

Heavy rains during the rainy season can impact outdoor activities like hiking and beach outings. Some roads may become impassable.

Are there more insects during certain times?

Mosquitoes and other insects may be more prevalent during the rainy season, particularly in areas with standing water.

Is wildlife less active during the rainy season?

Some wildlife may be less visible during heavy rains, and certain national parks may have limited access.

Are there festivals or holidays that attract large crowds?

Peak travel times, including Christmas and Easter, can bring larger crowds and higher prices. It’s advisable to plan accordingly.

Are there any temperature extremes to consider?

While Costa Rica generally has a tropical climate, some inland areas may experience cooler temperatures, especially in the highlands.

Are there regions more affected by adverse weather conditions?

Coastal areas may experience more intense rains and potential flooding during the rainy season.

Is there a risk of landslides during certain months?

Heavy rains increase the risk of landslides, particularly in mountainous areas. Travelers should be aware of this when planning itineraries.